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Here lies various projects I've made over the years to scratch my own curiosities (and I hope yours too).


Aesthetic SoundCloud with aesthetic features

> stars: 2 | watchers: 2 | forks: 0

Picture of Nimbus' layout


Make music (or laser sounds) with math

> stars: 6 | watchers: 2 | forks: 0

Picture of Arithmusic graphing some maths

Acoustic fingerprinter

DSP independent study final project (Shazam clone)

> stars: 1 | watchers: 2 | forks: 0

Picture showing frequency peak / signature matching, similar to Shazam

AoE4 Sound Reminder-er

Help remind you to do things in games (like making villagers)

> stars: 0 | watchers: 2 | forks: 0

Picture of AoE4 sound reminderer's UI


Apple Emojis (iOS 12) for Arch Linux

> stars: 22 | watchers: 3 | forks: 1

Apple emojis rendered in arch linux terminal


Get the latest frame of a youtube live-stream for live backgrounds

> stars: 0 | watchers: 2 | forks: 0


State-machine LED controller + server/frontend (used for my TV)

> stars: 0 | watchers: 2 | forks: 0

dotfiles linux setup

Backup of my dotfiles if you're super curious about what linux tools I've used

> stars: 0 | watchers: 2 | forks: 0