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About Me

Hi I’m Chris Druta - self proclaimed non tech-bro.

I got into computers before I even knew what computers were. Ever since I was kid I loved taking apart things to see how they worked. Removing batteries from the TV remote to taking apart toys; I was addicted to novelty. One time when I was grounded and my parents unplugged my PS1 and said it was “broken”, I “fixed” it to their surprise pretty quick. Messed with my (family’s) first computer when I was 4 or 5 on one of those cow boxes. (Gateway I believe?)

Outside of video games, my first memory was when I would somehow get the graphics driver to crash, probably by deleting some important system files (or magnets). It resulted in this colorful splash on the screen which I always thought resembled psychedelic crocodiles. Not sure how the computer kept working / how many times my parents had somebody fix it throughout the years, but I eventually got my own computer in the first or second grade.

Got into PC gaming, then modding PC games, to modding Gameboy games, finally ending on modding game consoles (even hardware mods like PSP & Xbox 360). After many viruses and scams, I’ve come to eternally appreciating online communities that found, shared, and explained these niche exploits and the actually awesome modding tools / software.

Freshman year of college, I got psyoped into running Linux as my daily-driver on my main and only laptop (Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro). Distro hopped a few times and eventually landed on Arch Linux (I liked the customization / different desktop environments). And that’s when I got FOSS-pilled. Customizing every pixel / key stroke of my computer felt pretty cool (even though it took me weeks to get sound to work via ALSA and PulseAudio). I was becoming a terminal goblin and I loved it.

Now I can finally make cool tools and things other can enjoy :)

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